Stellantis Home Repair Program & Homeowners Property Tax Exemption Workshop
Stellantis and the City of Detroit are partnering to $3.3M in home repair grants for owner-occupied homes in 2025 and 2026 living near the Detroit Assembly Complex-Mack.
Join us Friday, February 21st , 12pm - 1pm via Zoom to learn more!
Amy Amador, Deputy Director for the City of Detroit’s Housing and Revitalization Department and Elizabeth Hunter, JEI’s Sr. HUD Housing Counseling Manager presents an informative home repair and maintenance workshop to learn about this grant opportunity!
If you are a Detroit Homeowner having challenges paying your past due property taxes, the Homeowners Property Tax Exemption program may help you!
This session will provide you with the knowledge and tools to apply for these programs, including details on the points system used to select candidates and important deadlines.
ZOOM Meeting Access
Join the meeting by clicking this link: https://bit.ly/4k8N3Bp
Please note that the application deadline for the Stellantis Home Repair Program is Monday, March10th.
For more information, contact Elizabeth Hunter at (313) 221-5281 or EHunter@JeffersonEast.org.
Visit JeffersonEast.org to learn more about our housing counseling, home repair and small business services. Jefferson East, Inc. is a member of the Detroit Housing Network.